Out for Bid
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Bids Due in 31 days
3/26/25 10:00am
South WTP Electrical Improvements [CP#2022-18]
Bids Due in 31 days
City of Decatur - Public Works
Decatur, IL
The proposed project herein specified and described includes the following work: The electrical improvements to the South Water Treatment Plant, Nitrate Facility, and the Raw Water Pump Station, and other miscellaneous improvements.
Bidding Closed
2/11/25 11:00am
Oakland & Grand Sewer Separation Project, Basin 5 & 6 Storm Sewer [CP#2021-01]
Bidding Closed
City of Decatur - Public Works
Decatur, IL
The proposed project includes the following work: Will involve the separation of approximately 16,000 linear feet (LF) of sewer to eliminate all basement backups within the Oakland and Grand Avenue area on the west side of City of Decatur, IL. The furnishing of all necessary labor, equipment, and material for the complete demolition of approximately 50 inlets and demolition/abandonment of approximately 2,500 LF existing storm sewers. In addition to the installation of approximately 12,500 LF storm sewers, 50 inlets, 60 manholes (48" to 108" Diameter), and restoration.